Cadney is in an isolated spot three miles south of the bustling market town of Brigg and is approached along a straight road that passes the site of the Gilbertine Priory of Newstead. The church of All Saints is well worth seeking out. It managed to escape a Victorian restoration only to be 'discovered' in 1912 by William Weir of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Under SPAB's watchful eye, the church was subtly restored by Sir Charles Nicholson between 1912 and 1914. He managed to maintain the unrestored feel of the building.

The church is essentially of two phases, late Norman and Early English. Of the former style is the sturdy south arcade, of the latter the west tower and the chancel. There was once a north aisle too, but that was demolished in the eighteenth century. In 1912 Sir Charles Nicholson pierced the north wall with windows in his typical 'free Perp' style.

There is much medieval woodwork of interest. A fifteenth century rood screen divides the nave from the chancel and the eastern bay of the south aisle is enclosed by two parclose screens, said to come from Newstead Priory. They must date from the first quarter of the sixteenth century, for they have elaborate panel tracery and the eastern parclose has a panelled dado which incorporates early renaissance forms. What else is there? Well there is a fourteenth century image niche with canopy inserted into the eastern pillar of the sotuh arcade and a striking arcaded Norman font. All combine to make this a rather memorable building.
Access: The church is kept open during the day. There is ample roadside parking.

If you want to see some more photos of Cadney have a look in my Flickr set.
Just recently discovered an ancestor who was born in Cadney and may very well have attended The Church of All Saints in the early 17th century. It gives a great sense of familiarity to see what he may have seen. Thank you for the photos and information. One more item for my bucket list.